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Filters: Author is C. Melchiorri and Keyword is Robotics  [Clear All Filters]
D. Prattichizzo and Bicchi, A., Grasp Control: a General Manipulation System Approach, in Proc. Int. Works. Towards Intelligent Robotic Manipulation, Lausanne, 2002.
A. Bicchi and Prattichizzo, D., On some structural properties of general manipulation systems, in Modelling and Control of Mechanichal Systems, A. Astolfi, Limebeer, D. J. N., Melchiorri, C., Tornambèe, A., and Vinter, R. B., Eds. London, U.K.: Imperial College Press, 1997, pp. 187-202. PDF icon [PDF] (704.8 KB)
Y. Chitour, Marigo, A., Prattichizzo, D., and Bicchi, A., Reachability of Rolling Parts, in Advances in Robotics: The ERNET Perspective, C. Bonivento, Melchiorri, C., and Tolle, H., Eds. Singapore: World Scientific Publisher Corp., 1996, pp. 51-60. PDF icon [PDF] (377.37 KB)
A. Bicchi and Melchiorri, C., Quasi-Static Compensation of Force Errors for Flexible Manipulators, in Selected papers from the Third IFAC/IFIS/IMAC Symposium on Robot Control, I. Troch, Desoer, K., and Kopacek, P., Eds. Oxford, U.K.: Pergamon Press Books, 1992, pp. 381-385. PDF icon [PDF] (288.47 KB)