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M. Innocenti, Greco, L., and Pollini, L., Stability Issues in Dual Time Scale Systems, in American Control Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, 2002.
L. Palopoli, Pinello, C., Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, A. L., El-Ghaoui, L., and Bicchi, A., Synthesis of robust control systems under resource constraints, in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, vol. LNCS 2289, M. Greenstreet and Tomlin, C., Eds. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2002, pp. 337-350. PDF icon [PDF] (244.43 KB)
M. Innocenti and Greco, L., Variable Structure Control for Singularly Perturbed System: Stability Issues. Dept. of Electrical Systems and Automation, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, 2002.
P. Murrieri, Fontanelli, D., and Bicchi, A., Visual-servoed parking with limited view angle, in Experimental Robotics VIII, vol. 5, B. Siciliano and Dario, P., Eds. Springer Verlag, 2002, pp. 254-263. PDF icon [PDF] (220.16 KB)
A. Danesi, Fontanelli, D., Murrieri, P., Scordio, V. G., and Bicchi, A., Cooperative Simultaneous Localization and Map Building for Servoing, in Proceedings of Multiagent Robotic Systems Trends and Industrial Application - Robocup 2003 Conference, Padova, 2003. PDF icon [PDF] (208.54 KB)
A. Bicchi, Marigo, A., and Piccoli, B., Encoding steering control with symbols, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Decision and Control, 2003, pp. 3343-3348. PDF icon [PDF] (129.63 KB)
G. Oriolo, Vendittelli, M., Marigo, A., and Bicchi, A., From nominal to robust planning: The plate-ball manipulation system, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Taipei, Taiwan, 2003, pp. 3175-3180. PDF icon [PDF] (181.62 KB)
L. Greco, Tocchini, F., and Innocenti, M., Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Asymptotic Stability of Second Order LTI Switching Systems. Dept. of Electrical Systems and Automation, University of Pisa, 2003.
A. Balluchi and Bicchi, A., Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Robust Perfect Tracking under Variable Structure Control, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 141-151, 2003. PDF icon [PDF] (215.43 KB)
L. Palopoli, Cucinotta, T., and Bicchi, A., Quality of service control in soft real-time applications, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Decision and Control, 2003, pp. 664-669. PDF icon [PDF] (113.4 KB)
B. Picasso, Pancanti, S., Bemporad, A., and Bicchi, A., Receding-Horizon Control of LTI Systems with Quantized Inputs, in Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems 2003, G. Engell and Zaytoon,, Eds. Elsevier, 2003, pp. 259-264. PDF icon [PDF] (196.08 KB)
M. Innocenti, Greco, L., and Pollini, L., Sliding Mode Control for Two-Time Scale Systems: Stability Issues, Automatica, vol. 39, pp. 273–280, 2003.
M. Zoncu, Balluchi, A., Vincentelli, S. A., and Bicchi, A., Stabilization of a class of discrete-time hybrid automata, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Decision and Control, 2003, pp. 1147-1152. PDF icon [PDF] (189.37 KB)
B. Picasso and Bicchi, A., Stabilization of LTI Systems with Quantized State-Quantized Input Static Feedback, in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, vol. LNCS 2623, A. Pnueli and Maler, O., Eds. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2003, pp. 405-416. PDF icon [PDF] (228.27 KB)
A. Bicchi, Tonietti, G., Bavaro, M., and Piccigallo, M., Variable Stiffness Actuators for Fast and Safe Motion Control, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Robotics Research, B. Siciliano, Khatib, O., and Groen, F., Eds. Springer Verlag, 2003. PDF icon [PDF] (451.75 KB)
B. Picasso, Palopoli, L., Bicchi, A., and Johansson, K. H., Control of Distributed Embedded Systems in the Presence of Unknown–but–Bounded Noise, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Decision and Control, 2004, pp. 1448-1453. PDF icon [PDF] (170.77 KB)
L. Pallottino, Scordio, V. G., and Bicchi, A., Decentralized Cooperative Conflict Resolution Among Multiple Autonomous Mobile Agents, in cdc, 2004, pp. 4758-4763. PDF icon [PDF] (601.36 KB)
A. Bicchi, Marigo, A., and Piccoli, B., Discrete and Hybrid Nonholonomy, in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 2004, vol. 2993, pp. 157-172. PDF icon [PDF] (242.15 KB)
A. Alvarez, Caiti, A., and Onken, R., Evolutionary path planning for autonomous underwater vehicles in a variable ocean, IEEE JOURNAL OF OCEANIC ENGINEERING, vol. 29, pp. 418–429, 2004.
A. Bicchi and Tonietti, G., Fast and Soft Arm Tactics: Dealing with the Safety-Performance Trade-Off in Robot Arms Design and Control, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, vol. 11, pp. 22–33, 2004. PDF icon [PDF] (1.91 MB)
P. Murrieri, Fontanelli, D., and Bicchi, A., A Hybrid-Control Approach to the Parking Problem of a Wheeled Vehicle Using Limited View-Angle Visual Feedback, Int. Jour. of Robotics Research, vol. 23, pp. 437-448, 2004. PDF icon [PDF] (1.05 MB)
A. Bicchi and Tonietti, G., Meccanismo motoriduttore a rigidezza variabile e rapidamente controllabile, 2004.
S. Pancanti, Pallottino, L., Salvadorini, D., and Bicchi, A., Motion Planning through Symbols and Lattices, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 2004, pp. 3914-3919. PDF icon [PDF] (155.62 KB)
A. Bicchi, Lorussi, F., Murrieri, P., and Scordio, V. G., On The Problem of Simultaneous Localization, Map Building, and Servoing of Autonomous Vehicles, in Advances in Control of Articulated and Mobile Robots, B. Siciliano, De Luca, A., Melchiorri, C., and Casalino, G., Eds. Springer Verlag, 2004, pp. 223-239. PDF icon [PDF] (332.91 KB)
A. Bicchi, Johansson, K. H., Palopoli, L., and Picasso, B., Quantised Control in Distributed Embedded Systems., in Proc. 16th Int. Symp. on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, 2004.
A. Bicchi, Chitour, Y., and Marigo, A., Reachability and Steering of Rolling Polyhedra: A Case Study in Discrete Nonholonomy, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 49, pp. 710-726, 2004. PDF icon [PDF] (418.68 KB)
A. Balestrino, Bicchi, A., Caiti, A., Cecchini, T., Pallottino, L., Pisani, A., and Tonietti, G., A Robotic Set-Up with Remote Access for ``Pick and Place'' Operations Under Uncertainty Conditions, in E-learning and Virtual and Remote Laboratories, 2004, pp. 144–149. PDF icon [ìPDF] (92.77 KB)
A. Bicchi, Tonietti, G., and Schiavi, R., Safe and Fast Actuators for Machines Interacting with Humans, in Proc. of the 1st Technical Exhibition Based Conference on Robotics and Automation, TExCRA2004, November 18-19, TEPIA, Tokyo, Japan -, 2004, p. (in press). PDF icon [PDF] (170.68 KB)
B. Picasso and Bicchi, A., Some relations between ergodicity and minimality properties of invariant sets in quantized control systems, in Bifurcations in nonsmooth and hybrid dynamical systems: analysis, control and applications, Milan, 2004.
L. Greco, Tocchini, F., and Innocenti, M., Stabilization of a Class of Unstable Switching Systems, in 12th IEEE Mediterranean Conference, Kusadasi, Turkey, 2004.
