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F. Pasqualetti, Bicchi, A., and Bullo, F., On the Security of Linear Consensus Networks, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control, Shangai, China, 2009, pp. 4894 - 4901. PDF icon [PDF] (335.17 KB)
A. Fagiolini, Martini, S., and Bicchi, A., Set-Valued Consensus for Distributed Clock Synchronization, in Proc. IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Bangalore, 2009, pp. 116 - 121. PDF icon [PDF] (125.19 KB)
L. Pallottino, Salaris, P., Fontanelli, D., and Bicchi, A., Shortest Paths for Non-holonomic Vehicles with Limited Field of View Camera, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control, Shangai, China, 2009, pp. 8434 - 8439. PDF icon [PDF] (258.41 KB)
A. Balestrino, Caiti, A., Crisostomi, E., and Grammatico, S., Stability analysis of dynamical systems via R-functions, in Proc. European Control Conference, 2009, p. –.
A. Caiti, Munafò, A., and Vettori, G., System performance trade-off in underwater harbour protection, in Proc. Int. Conf. Underwater Acoustic Measurements 09, 2009, p. –.
G. Conte, Gambella, L., Scaradozzi, D., Zanoli, S. M., Caiti, A., Calabrò, V., Alcocer, A., Alves, J., Cardeira, B., Cunha, R., Curado, F., Oliveira, P., Oliveira, A., Pascoal, A., Rufino, M., Sebastião, L., and Silvestre, C., Underwater vehicle technology in the European research project VENUS, UNDERWATER TECHNOLOGY, vol. 28, pp. 175–185, 2009 [Online]. Available:
A. Balestrino, Caiti, A., and Crisostomi, E., On the use of the generalised entropy of curves to evaluate chaotic behaviours, in International Scientific Conference on Physics and Control, 2009, p. –.
D. Fontanelli, Salaris, P., Belo, F. A. W., and Bicchi, A., Visual appearance mapping for optimal vision based servoing, vol. 54 - Experimental Robotics, B. Siciliano, Khatib, O., and Groen, F., Eds. Springer, 2009, pp. 353 - 362. PDF icon [PDF] (1.14 MB)
D. Fontanelli, Danesi, A., Belo, F. A. W., Salaris, P., and Bicchi, A., Visual Servoing in the Large, International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 28, pp. 802 - 814, 2009. PDF icon [PDF] (2 MB)
D. Fontanelli, Greco, L., and Bicchi, A., Anytime Control Algorithms for Real-Time Embedded Systems, in Int Conf of Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, St. Louis, MO, 2008, vol. 4981/2008, pp. 158 - 171.
A. Fagiolini, Pellinacci, M., Valenti, M., Dini, G., and Bicchi, A., Consensus-based Distributed Intrusion Detection for Multi-Robot Systems, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 2008, pp. 120 - 127. PDF icon [PDF] (527.24 KB)
S. Martini, Egerstedt, M., and Bicchi, A., Controllability Decompositions of Networked Systems Through Quotient Graphs, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Decision and Control, 2008, pp. 5244 - 5249. PDF icon [PDF] (204.67 KB)
A. Fagiolini, Tani, L., Bicchi, A., and Dini, G., Decentralized Deployment of Mobile Sensors for Optimal Connected Sensing Coverage, in Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, 2008, vol. 5067/2008, pp. 486 - 491 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (342.45 KB)
A. Chaillet and Bicchi, A., Delay compensation in packet-switching networked controlled systems, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Decision and Control, 2008, pp. 3620 - 3625. PDF icon [PDF] (232.61 KB)
L. Greco, Gaeta, M., and Piccoli, B., Deployment of sensors in a network-like environment, in Proc. 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Cancun, Mexico, 2008, pp. 4257–4262.
A. Balestrino, Fagiolini, A., and Zini, G., Generalized Fibonacci Dynamical Systems, in Int. Conf. On Fibonacci Numbers and their applications, 2008. PDF icon [PDF] (151.22 KB)
A. Bicchi, Danesi, A., Dini, G., La Porta, S., Pallottino, L., Savino, I. M., and Schiavi, R., Heterogeneous Wireless Multirobot System, Robotics and Automation Magazine, IEEE, vol. 15, pp. 62–70, 2008 [Online]. Available: icon [PDF] (1.02 MB)
E. Mazzi, Vincentelli, S. A., Balluchi, A., and Bicchi, A., Hybrid system reduction, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Decision and Control, 2008, pp. 227 -232. PDF icon [PDF] (425.97 KB)
B. Picasso and Bicchi, A., Hypercubes are minimal controlled invariants for discrete-time linear systems with quantized scalar input, Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid systems, pp. 706-720, 2008. PDF icon [PDF] (305.44 KB)
N. Dubbini, Piccoli, B., and Bicchi, A., Left invertibility of discrete systems with finite inputs and quantized output, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Decision and Control, 2008, pp. 4687 - 4692. PDF icon [PDF] (548.25 KB)
A. Fagiolini, Visibelli, E. M., and Bicchi, A., Logical Consensus for Distributed Network Agreement, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Decision and Control, 2008, pp. 5250 - 5255. PDF icon [PDF] (330.71 KB)
A. Bicchi, Macchine e Mani: Immagini, Immaginazione e Creazione, Letteratura e Arte, pp. 13-21, 2008. PDF icon [PDf] (229.85 KB)
S. Huh, Tonietti, G., and Bicchi, A., Neural network based robust adaptive control for a variable stiffness actuator, in Control and Automation, 16 th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 2008, pp. 1028 - 1034. PDF icon [PDF] (415.83 KB)
P. Salaris, Belo, F. A. W., Fontanelli, D., Greco, L., and Bicchi, A., Optimal Paths in a Constrained Image Plane for Purely Image-Based Parking, in IROS, 2008, pp. 1673-1680. PDF icon [PDF] (672.01 KB)
A. Bicchi, Bavaro, M., Boccadamo, G., Carli, D. D., Filippini, R., Grioli, G., Piccigallo, M., Rosi, A., Schiavi, R., Sen, S., and Tonietti, G., Physical Human-Robot Interaction: Dependability, Safety, and Performance, in Proc. 10th Intl. Workshop Advanced Motion Control, 2008, pp. 9-14. PDF icon [PDF] (348.02 KB)
D. Fontanelli, Greco, L., and Bicchi, A., Robust Almost Sure Stability for Uncertain Stochastically Scheduled Anytime Controllers, in Control and Automation, 16 th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 2008, pp. 249 - 254. PDF icon [PDF] (583.56 KB)
A. Bicchi, Buss, M., Ernst, M., and Peer, A., Eds., The Sense of Touch and its Rendering: Progresses in Haptics Research, vol. 45/2008. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2008.
E. P. Scilingo, Sgambelluri, N., and Bicchi, A., The Sense of Touch and its Rendering: Progresses in Haptics Research, vol. 45/2008, A. Bicchi, Buss, M., Ernst, M., and Peer, A., Eds. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2008, pp. 39 - 60. PDF icon [PDF] (565.28 KB)
N. Sgambelluri, Scilingo, E. P., Rizzo, R., and Bicchi, A., The Sense of Touch and its Rendering: Progresses in Haptics Research, vol. 45/2008, A. Bicchi, Buss, M., Ernst, M., and Peer, A., Eds. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2008, pp. 155-178. PDF icon [PDF] (563.96 KB)
N. Vanello, Hartwig, V., Tesconi, M., Ricciardi, E., Tognetti, A., Zupone, G., Gassert, R., Chapuis, D., Sgambelluri, N., Scilingo, E. P., Giovannetti, G., Positano, V., Santarelli, M. F., Bicchi, A., Pietrini, P., De Rossi, D., and Landini, L., Sensing Glove for Brain Studies: Design and assessment of its Compatibility for fMRI with a Robust Test, IEEE - ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 13, pp. 345-354, 2008. PDF icon [PDF] (624.92 KB)
